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1. “情态动词过去式+have+动词过去分词”是对发生过的事情表示推测、责备、抱怨。具体用法如下:
must have done 过去必然…… 
could have done 本能够…… 
should have done / ought to have done 本应该…… 
might have done 过去可能…… 
needn’t have done 本没必要…… (无肯定形式)
例如:——I stayed at a hotel while in New York. 
——Oh , did you? You could have stayed with Barbara. 
2. need / want doing 在一些习惯表达中相当于被动用法need / want to be done。同理,be worth doing 相当于be worth being done。例如:The old house needs repairing. needn’t,表示“不必…… ”,相当于don’t have to,但表示“不需要”时,常用don’t need。
1. How did these books get on the floor?
A. could have fallen B. must have fallen 
C. should have fallen D. would have fallen
2. Your hair needs ____. You’d better have it done today.
A. Cut B. to cut C. cutting D. being cut

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