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这组搭配常见的形式有两种:动词十介词,动词+副词+介词。同一搭配往往表示多种意思,且这些意义多半不是组成词本身意义的简单相加。例如:come across(偶然碰到),come up with(想出主张), make up(虚构)。考生应在牢记一些常见动词短语并在掌握其主要意义和用法的基础上逐步扩充。

测试中常与about搭配的形容词有angry, crazy, curious, enthusiastic, particular, worried等。例如:children are always curious about things they do not know. 
常与for搭配的形容词有ambitious, anxious, available, enough, fit, necessary, ready, responsible, sorry, suitable, useless等。例如:Who is responsible for breaking this chair?

常与from搭配的形容词有absent, different, free, isolated, remote, separate等。例如:The Atlantic Ocean separates America from Europe. 
常与in 搭配的形容词有eager, rich, slow, successful, weak等。例如:It is better to be rich in knowledge instead of money.

常与of搭配的形容词有afraid, aware, capable, careful, careless, conscious, critical, fond, full, independent, jealous, proud, short, sure, suspicious, thoughtful等。例如:She is not capable of doing that work. 
常与to搭配的形容词有acceptable, accurate, agreeable, attentive, attributable, convenient, faithful, grateful, helpful, indifferent, immune, inferior, liable, opposed, relevant, rude, senior, similar, superior, useful等。例如:The atomic clock is accurate to within three seconds in a century.
常与with搭配的形容词有acquainted, angry, associated, confronted, contented, correspondent, familiar,friendly, happy, polite, uneasy等。例如:1 became acquainted with many villagers when lived in the countryside.

常与at搭配的名词有amazement, anger, attempt, look等。例如:Her first attempt at English composition was poor,

常与between搭配的名词有balance, choice, comparison, difference, gap, link, relation等。例如:We should keep the balance between man and nature. 
常与for搭配的名词有ambition, apology, application, arrangement, award, blame, care, change, consideration, cure, demand, desire, excuse, occasion, opportunity, penalty, pity, preparation, regret, reputation, request, respect, search, shame, sympathy, talent, vote等。例如:He made an apology for not being able to keep the appointment. 
常与in搭配的名词有belief, confidence, curiosity, delight, experience, failure, faith, hesitation, interest, involvement,result, success 等。例如:He showed no interest in the film. 
常与of搭配的名词有capacity, capability, command, dislike, expectation, grasp, guilty, habit, honor, horror, impression, prevention, pride, purpose, view等。例如:Why do most people have a horror of snakes?

常与on搭配的名词有advice, agreement, comment, concentration, dependence, effect, emphasis, impact, impression, influence, operation , research, view等。例如: He has done a great deal of research on that subject.
常与to 搭配的名词有access, answer / reply / solution,appeal, approach, attention, attitude, clue, contribution, credit, damage, danger, dedication/devotion, indifference, invitation, limit, objection, preface, proportion, reaction, reference, respect, response等。例如:They had no objection to their daughter’s marrying that young man.


1. I do not like him because he always _____when others are talking.

A. cuts out of B. cuts down on C. cuts across D. cuts in 
(选D。cut in “插嘴”, cut out of “剪掉、去除”, cut down on “削减”道。根据句意选D)
2. I tried to catch the ball, but it was_____my reach.

A. over B. above C. beyond D. out

(选C。beyond / out of one’s reach是固定搭配,意为“超出某人能力范围”。)



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